DHL & Horizon FCB Dubai send a Parcel back in Time

In an industry-first, DHL, in partnership with Horizon FCB Dubai, showcased a transcontinental achievement: delivering a parcel back in time. This initiative highlights DHL’s speed and reliability by delivering a birthday present across the International Date Line—from Tokyo on January 26th to Los Angeles on January 25th—just in time for a granddaughter’s birthday.
The campaign targets a wide audience with a nostalgic story that enhances brand loyalty and showcases DHL’s superior delivery capabilities.
Mohamed Bareche, Executive Creative Director at Horizon FCB Dubai, explains, “Our goal was to highlight not only our speed but our innovation by delivering parcels back in time. Orchestrating filming across two continents in two days and timing the perfect flight slot for the parcel was an immense challenge, but ultimately fulfilling.”
Colin Smith, Creative Director, commented, “Using a birthday theme emphasized DHL’s reliability and our ability to enhance daily life significantly.”
Reham Mufleh, Managing Director, added, “This idea illustrates DHL’s dedication to delivering not just packages, but emotions, proving that some ideas—like moments—are ‘Never Finished’.”
This campaign, epitomized by the tagline “Delivered yesterday,” positions DHL as a leader in both innovation and customer service, making the impossible, possible.