Parse Biosciences Quadruples Sample Multiplexing Abilities for Evercode WT Mega Kits

Parse Biosciences, a leader in accessible and scalable single cell sequencing solutions, today announced a significant expansion of its Evercode™ WT Mega Kit functionality. Researchers can now analyze up to 384 samples and 1 million cells in a single run, unlocking new possibilities for high-throughput studies.
While single cell technologies have steadily advanced, many still face limitations in handling large numbers of cells and samples simultaneously. However, these capabilities are precisely what researchers need for high-throughput drug screening, genetic screening, and time-course experiments that demand both scalability and precision. With the expanded functionality of the Evercode WT Mega Kit, scientists can screen 1 million cells across 384 samples in a single experiment, streamlining workflows and enabling new discoveries.
The new functionality is further enhanced when paired with Evercode™ Low Input Fixation, providing an additional advantage for researchers working with limited cell numbers per sample. This combination is especially beneficial for rare or precious sample types, enabling robust testing of multiple conditions and replicates even with lower sample inputs.
“We are excited to provide this functionality to the research community,” said Charlie Roco, Co-founder and CTO of Parse Biosciences. “By enabling the simultaneous analysis of so many samples and cells, we’re providing scientists with the tools they need to explore new possibilities and accelerate progress in areas like drug discovery, functional genomics, and beyond.”
Last Updated on 2 months by News Desk 1