Rigaku - Middle East News 247
March 20, 2025
Home Posts tagged Rigaku



Rigaku BioScience Lab Opens in USA

Rigaku Corporation, a Rigaku Holdings Group company that serves as a global solution partner for X-ray analytical equipment (headquarters: Akishima, Tokyo; CEO: Jun Kawakami; “Rigaku”), opened Rigaku BioScience Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Rigaku has begun operation of MoleQlyze at the

Rigaku Develops Technology for 3D Visualization of the Atomic-scale Structure of Amorphous Carbon

The X-ray Laboratory of Rigaku Corporation, a Rigaku Holdings Group company and a global solution partner for X-ray analysis (headquarters: Akishima, Tokyo; president and CEO: Jun Kawakami; “Rigaku”), has developed the Total X-ray Scattering and RMC Modeling Method (“TXS-RMC”). TXS-RMC is a powerful technology that clarifies the atomic-scale 3D structure of amorphous

Rigaku: Novel Electron Density Topography Technology

Rigaku Corporation, a Rigaku Holdings Group company and global partner for X-ray analysis from Lab to Fab (headquarters: Akishima, Tokyo; president and CEO: Jun Kawakami; “Rigaku”), has developed a technology called Electron Density Topography (“EDT”), patents pending. The new technology clarifies the structure and dynamic characteristics of biological