The UAE is set to bring some equilibrium to Afghanistan’s aviation as it offers to control air traffic
The Taliban administration in Afghanistan recently announced its intention to give force to the final contract to award the running and control of its airport to the state-owned GACC holdings in the UAE. This contract is primarily influenced by the Afghanistan government’s need to boost the country’s economic activities.
Why UAE wants to enter the Agreement with GACC
The Taliban government in Afghanistan recently finalized an agreement with the GAAC holdings, which the UAE owns. This contract will affect those aviation activities that would be resumed in Afghanistan. The reason behind this agreement is because the major airports have been largely inactive in the country following the Taliban’s ascent to power. The contract between the Taliban and the UAE comes after protracted negotiations and consideration of different factors by both countries. The airports, particularly in Kabul, were laid to waste when citizens rushed to migrate from Afghanistan after the Taliban came into power and the US packed up its military intervention.
All You Need to Know about UAE Air Control Agreement
The air control agreement that was recently signed was to the effect that the UAE’s GAAC holdings would oversee the running of Afghanistan’s airport for ten years. The goal of the Taliban, Afghanistan’s current government head, is to ease the country’s isolation from other countries worldwide. The Taliban also aims that its decision would be seen as an olive branch by nations which has continued to label its governance as strict and economically redundant.
The Taliban hopes that with the contract, the major airlines can finally return to their territory to resume activities. It would seem that this is already taking shape as Ibrahim Morafi, the regional director of GAAC, commented that it would begin to take active steps to encourage international airlines to return to Afghanistan. The regional director praised the Taliban’s initiative as one that will bring significant economic dividends in job creation. Taliban’s deputy prime minister, Mullah Abdul Ghani, has also remarked that the deal was essential to strengthen Afghanistan’s economy, which is a government priority. The Taliban has also advanced to other countries like Qatar and Turkey to operate in Kabul airport in Afghanistan.
Before its airspace contract with GAAC, the Taliban had previously signed ground services and security contracts with the firm. In this current Agreement, the firm would manage the flights in Kabul, Herat, and Kandahar airports, the three major airports in Afghanistan. It is unlikely that this contract is a walk in the park for the UAE as its firm would need to provide essential flight services, equipment, and personnel training for the airports to return to full flight modes.
Although a bit unconventional, the Agreement between the UAE and Afghanistan may be a huge stepping stone to hoist Afghanistan’s economy, especially since it has had to bear the brunt of economic bullishness recently. Given UAE’s efficiency, there is no doubt that a company owned by the country would deliver on its promises.
Last Updated on 11 months by News Editor