US moves to counter threats posed by drones

In military situations
The US Department of Defence has announced that US Secretary of Defence Lloyd J. Austin has signed a new, classified strategy to counter growing threats posed by unmanned systems, commonly called drones.
The new strategy reinforces ongoing efforts to address this emerging threat, particularly in safeguarding US military personnel, facilities, and assets overseas and domestically. The evolving nature of these threats is shifting military strategies and tactics, prompting the US Department of Defence to adopt a unified, comprehensive approach.
According to an unclassified fact sheet, these unmanned systems are becoming increasingly advanced and pose significant challenges to the US and its allies.
The rapid progress in commercial innovation, artificial intelligence, autonomy, and networking technologies has enabled unmanned systems to transform military operations worldwide. These developments are reshaping how state and non-state actors achieve their goals, making it essential to address the associated risks.
The strategy complements existing US Department of Defence initiatives, including creating the Joint Counter-Small UAS Office, establishing the Warfighter Senior Integration Group, and the Replicator 2 initiative, designed to defend against small aerial threats.
The strategy involves several key efforts, including enhancing the US military’s ability to detect, track, and characterise unmanned threats. It also aims to integrate counter-unmanned systems capabilities into military practices, such as doctrine, training, and policy. Furthermore, the strategy prioritises swiftly delivering adaptable counter-UAS solutions, collaborating closely with international partners.
Notably, the strategy acknowledges the disparity between the low cost of developing unmanned systems and the high expense the U.S. incurs in countering them. The US Department of Defence has committed to addressing this imbalance, ensuring a more efficient and cost-effective approach to combating unmanned threats.
Since taking office in 2021, Austin has prioritised countering the effects of unmanned systems.
In conclusion, the new strategy provides a comprehensive, cohesive, and holistic framework for tackling the challenges posed by unmanned systems.
Hero image: US Army Spc. Kevin Jiminez operates a Dronebuster during counter-unmanned aerial systems training near Pabrade, Lithuania, on June 23, 2023. Credit: US Army